To write about a time when I was spooked by something, I feel as though it be necessary to first define my definition of what being "spooked" really means to me. I have always held the belief that being spooked is getting scared by something. I do not think that being spooked is being afraid of something or fearing something, but is more of a quicker incident, where we have not had preconceived ideas to make us afraid of something, but rather, we happened upon something that momentarily frightened us. Being spooked is something that is natural and happens often, even without us intending to let it happen. I think fear is a choice, but being spooked is not. It is just a random incident that we did not choose. I have been spooked by many things in life, and am constantly getting spooked. An example of a time I was spooked was one time when I went down to my basement. I went down the stairs to the basement, and it was dark. I did not turn the lights on, because I was planning on making it through the family room quickly and making my way to the bedroom where I would turn on the lights. After I reached the bottom of the staircase, I turned the corner to enter the hallway before the corridor of the room. I began to walk to the end of the hallway, as I have always done before. When I was nearing the family room, suddenly, a large figure jumped in front of me from behind the corner, threw up its arms, and yelled. The large figure turned out to be my older brother. I, however, did not realize that it was my brother until I had already fallen to the ground in a moment of being paralyzed with fear. After recognizing that it was my brother
To write about a time when I was spooked by something, I feel as though it be necessary to first define my definition of what being "spooked" really means to me. I have always held the belief that being spooked is getting scared by something. I do not think that being spooked is being afraid of something or fearing something, but is more of a quicker incident, where we have not had preconceived ideas to make us afraid of something, but rather, we happened upon something that momentarily frightened us. Being spooked is something that is natural and happens often, even without us intending to let it happen. I think fear is a choice, but being spooked is not. It is just a random incident that we did not choose. I have been spooked by many things in life, and am constantly getting spooked. An example of a time I was spooked was one time when I went down to my basement. I went down the stairs to the basement, and it was dark. I did not turn the lights on, because I was planning on making it through the family room quickly and making my way to the bedroom where I would turn on the lights. After I reached the bottom of the staircase, I turned the corner to enter the hallway before the corridor of the room. I began to walk to the end of the hallway, as I have always done before. When I was nearing the family room, suddenly, a large figure jumped in front of me from behind the corner, threw up its arms, and yelled. The large figure turned out to be my older brother. I, however, did not realize that it was my brother until I had already fallen to the ground in a moment of being paralyzed with fear. After recognizing that it was my brother