a time when someone was emotional and the situation was solved by a rational approach
There are many times in my life that I have witnessed emotional people or people acting emotionally. In fact, I act on emotion quite often, which I know is not always a good thing, but sometimes it can be. Some people are more emotional than others, and some people are more rational than others. I think that in general, girls are usually more emotional than guys are. And as far as it goes for me, I think compared to many other girls, I am more rational than most. Not to say that I do not get emotional, because I do. Most things in a girl's life revolves around emotions. Where as guys on the other hand usually are more rational than girls are. However, I have a friend who is a boy who seems to be more emotional than a majority of guys his age. In this journal, I will call this boy Fred, although that is not his real name.
As I said earlier, Fred is more of an emotional guy than most, and I am more of a rational girl than most, so it turns out that Fred and I are a lot alike. Fred and I have always been able to talk to each other about things and and especially have been able to talk to each other about relationships and girls and guys. Being able to talk to each other about things like that, yet solely remain friends and only friends is a rare thing this day in age. I often seek advice from my friend Fred and Fred often seeks advice from me. We both help each other make good choices and stay on tack, as well as remaining good friends and having fun.
One time Fred was texting me about a girl that he liked. In fact, he thought he loved her. He was fairly certain that this was the girl that he was going to marry. Keep in mind that Fred is in high school. He really liked this girl and wanted my advice as a friend, a sister, and a Christian. Fred was acting very emotional and was very caught up in this girl. I however, saw the situation very realistically and rationally. I told Fred that this was not the girl for him and that if he was seriously planning on marrying her, he should reconsider. And this girl had already played him three times before and there's no way she would stick around for marriage. I also told him that I knew his walk with God was not at a strong point in his life and if he wanted a girl who was a christian and wanted a relationship based on Christ, it is not good to start the relationship when he was away from Christ. He took into consideration all of the things that I said and saw that they were very logical points. This was about three months ago that I told Fred these things, and now he already has himself another girl.
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