There is much that can be learned and applied today from the book Fahrenheit 451. The theme of the book can be understood and be very useful in any era, and the lesson is definitely not out-dated. The book wrestles with issues of character, integrity, and many other moral values. Those things are good to learn no matter what stage in life you are, what generation you are in, where you live, and will still be beneficial for future generations to come.
I believe this novel is truly timeless. Even though the technology in the novel may become out-dated, the idea of it will never become out-dated. Our world is always growing and changing and becoming more advanced in technology, and that is what this book speaks to. In a world that is becoming more self-centered, and falling farther away from valuing biblical truths, this book helps put those values back in place by showing the reader the true danger of our culture moving towards shallow selfishness and away from living with integrity.
In the book, it shows the lives of many selfish, self-righteous, and careless people. It shows the extremes of those lifestyles and it helps the reader to identify the disgusting qualities of those lifestyles, therefore, helping the reader to realize that they do not want to live a lifestyle like that.
Also, the characters from the book Fahrenheit 451 are also timeless and a reader can still identify with the characters, even though the book was written many years ago. The characters are easy to identify with because their behaviors and feelings are those of human nature, and human nature is sinful and always has been, is, and will be, so in that aspect, the characters are very easy to identify with and they always will be.
The book Fahrenheit 451 is a book that is very easy to identify with because it deals with matters of human nature, and that will be something that can always pertain to people.
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. Print.